Chelation Therapy (heavy metal elimination)

Chelation therapy (from the Greek “chele” = scissors/claw) is a scientifically based therapy for the elimination of heavy metals and is an integral part of integrative and naturopathic treatment measures in the THERA practice. It is practiced all over the world and is also becoming increasingly widespread in Germany.

Mode of action

In chelation therapy, the body is given an infusion solution containing substances known as “chelating agents”. These chelating agents or chelators are artificial amino acids whose main property is to bind metals.

This property is used to remove toxic heavy metals from the body. After infusion of the amino acids, they bind in the body to arsenic, lead or mercury, cadmium or arsenic, for example. This makes these toxins water-soluble and they can then be excreted in the urine.

The most important amino acids used are EDTA (ethylene diamine tetra-acetate), DMPS (dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid), DMSA (dimethylsuccinic acid) and DTPA (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid).

All active ingredients are approved by the Federal Health Office for infusion therapy.

Im Rahmen der Chelat-Therapie werden Infusionen verabreicht

Fig.: As part of chelation therapy, infusions containing amino acids such as DMPS or EDTA are administered. These bind heavy metals in the body and make them water-soluble.

Why is the presence of heavy metals in the body problematic?

Once heavy metals enter our bodies, the exposure remains for life if no countermeasures are taken. Heavy metals are suspected of causing a variety of diseases and symptoms. They can accumulate in the body and damage organs such as the liver, kidneys, brain or glands such as the prostate or thyroid gland – especially if detoxification is restricted or impaired.

Within the cell, they form strong bonds with the body’s own enzymes and minerals (such as calcium or zinc), so that cell metabolism is disrupted, oxidative stress occurs and a micronutrient deficiency can also occur. This explains why heavy metal exposure can lead to health problems or functional disorders of the corresponding organs. Hormonal regulation can also be affected by heavy metal exposure, which can lead to impaired reproductive capacity, for example.

For a number of metals, such as lead and cadmium, large studies, such as the American NHANES II study, have found links between blood levels and increased mortality, as well as increased incidence of heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure and cancer.

For further information, we recommend the pages of the Medical Society for Clinical Metal Toxicology and

Further effects

Chelation therapy can also be a complementary form of treatment for arteriosclerosis and its secondary diseases such as peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAD) or coronary heart disease (CHD) or increased blood pressure.

The reason for this: EDTA reduces calcium overload in the body without affecting the calcium bound to protein in the bones. There is therefore no risk of causing osteoporosis (bone decalcification) as a result of the therapy. However, calcium can be broken down in “abnormal” areas, such as the vascular walls or muscle tissue, by chelation therapy with EDTA. This can also result in pain relief, among other things.


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Areas of application

We mainly use chelation therapy in the treatment of circulatory disorders and in cases of proven heavy metal contamination. There is clear evidence of its effectiveness.

The following diseases have been found to be associated with metal exposure:

  • cancer
  • heart attack
  • stroke

Connections with metal exposure are discussed for the following diseases:

  • Allergies, hay fever
  • Degenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s dementia, Parkinson’s disease)
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Autoimmune diseases (rheumatic diseases, multiple sclerosis)
  • Fibromyalgia syndrome

Procedure for suspected metal contamination

The first step is to confirm the diagnosis by determining the most important metals in the urine.

If elevated levels are measured, the next step is to determine the appropriate chelators (there are different affinities for the respective heavy metals) and draw up a treatment plan.

Chelation therapy can be combined with many other forms of therapy and is also compatible with the administration of blood-thinning medication. It can serve as the basis of any anti-ageing medicine.

Application and safety

Dr. med. Ralf Heinrich has been carrying out chelation therapy since 2006 and has been responsible for training alternative practitioners and doctors for the CST Academy and at the University of Health and Sport since 2008. There are several hundred therapists in Germany and several thousand worldwide who carry out this therapy.

No serious side effects are currently known, provided that this therapy method is used with care. Occasionally, slight pain, fatigue, allergic reactions or a cold feeling or fluctuations in blood pressure may occur during/after the infusion. In the vast majority of cases, chelation therapy is very well tolerated if the accompanying measures are observed.


Chelation therapy is only carried out by specialized experts. Depending on age and risk, around 10 to 20 infusions are carried out at intervals of 1-2 weeks. One infusion takes about 3 hours. As minerals and trace elements are also excreted when the therapy is repeated, they are always checked and supplemented in parallel by means of build-up infusions. As a rule, we carry out build-up and elimination infusions alternately in order to ensure the breakdown of toxins on the one hand and the build-up of mitochondria with the corresponding supply of micronutrients on the other. The therapy should also be accompanied by a supplementary wholefood diet.

An infusion of various vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements directly after the elimination process also serves as an antioxidant balance and increases tolerance. At the same time, the effectiveness of elimination is further increased by combining it with mitochondrial system therapy.

How is the implementation carried out?

  • We need a fresh urine sample from you before EVERY detox. We use this to check whether your urine pH value is alkaline. If this is not the case, you will be given an alkaline infusion to protect your kidneys and liver.
  • You will have a venous access placed in the crook of your arm. The subsequent infusion treatment lasts approx. 2-3 hours.
  • A provocation test is carried out at the first and after every 5th detoxification. A urine sample is taken immediately after the chelation therapy and sent to the laboratory for analysis. You will then discuss the results with your doctor.

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The statements on exposure to heavy metals have been scientifically proven many times over. The following is a selection.

Literature recommendations for laypersons:

Dr Joachim Mutter: Gesund statt chronisch krank! ISBN: 978-3-89881-526-0

Dr Joachim Mutter: Der Feind in meinem Mund. ISBN: 3-00-020048-7 and ISBN: 978-3-00-020048-9

Dr.Morton Walker: Chelation Therapy – How to prevent or reverse hardening of the arteries. ISBN: 0-87131-365-0

Dr. Morton Walker: The Chelation Way. ISBN: 0-89529-415-X

Howard H. Wayne, MD, F.A.C.C: How to protect your heart from your doctor -Alternatives to Bypass surgery & Angioplasty. ISBN: 0-88496-383-7

Dr. med. Jens Collatz: Der Chelat-Weg. ISBN: 3-00-002351-8

John Parks Trowbridge, MD & Morton Walker, DPM: Chelation Therapy. ISBN: 0-954598-01-2

Dr. Julian Whitaker: Herzoperation, der vermeidbare Eingriff 

Harold& Arline Brecher: Chelation Therapy – and other Heart-Savers. ISBN:0927839-46-6

Dr. Krieg und Keilhauer: Die Chelat-Plus Therapie. ISBN: 3-022 779-24-7

Arline und Harold Brecher: Gesund und fit bis ins hohe Alter dank Chelat-Therapie. ISBN:3-922 779-29-8

Halsteaed & Rozema: The Sientific Basis of EDTA Chelation Therapy. ISBN: 0-9656884-0-2

Elmer M. Cranton, MD: A Textbook on EDTA-Chelation Therapy. ISBN: 1-57174-253-0

Peter Kummer und Jens Collatz: Kranker Patient guter Patient. ISBN: 3-920 780-77-9

Michael Culbert DSc: Medical ARMAGEDON update 2000. ISBN:0-963 6487-5-6

Graf Karlheinz: Ganzheitliche Zahnmedizin. ISBN 3-87758-161-7

Dr Joachim Mutter: Amalgan – Risiko für die Menschheit. ISBN 3-89526-030-4

The IBCMT_Protocol for the save and effective application of EDTA-Chelation Therapy (Clinical Metal Toxicology). Published by the International Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology.

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