» Dr. Ralf Heinrich (video)

Conventional & Natural Medicine From The Same Source

Hello and a warm welcome to Thera Praxisklinik!

At THERA Praxisklinik, every patient is welcome, regardless of nationality. We always dedicate ourselves to the individuality of being with dedication and a great deal of humanity – also taking into account ethnic characteristics. We now welcome and treat numerous patients from a wide range of EU and non-EU countries in our beautiful premises in Berlin.

Our practice team is also becoming increasingly international and we speak the following languages for you: English, Polish, Italian, Swahili, Turkish, Mongolian and Russian.

We have translated some of the very detailed and informative texts on the German website into English for you. If you are looking for further information, for example on specific symptoms or clinical pictures, you are also welcome to use the German website with the help of online translators.

Come in and see us!

Dr. Ralf Heinrich

Theraklinik – main themes

for privately insured and self-payers

What makes the THERA Praxisklinik so special?

At the THERA Praxisklinik you will find extensive offers on the topics: Prevention, nutrition, the desire to have children, getting healthy, environmental toxins and cancer.

Our strong team consists of doctors of conventional medicine, all of whom are also very experienced in the field of naturopathy, as well as medical assistants and registered nurses, who will work for you according to their areas of specialization.

In this large team of experts, we not only think innovatively, but also work harmoniously together and hand in hand for our patients.

Through our concept of living integrative medicine, you will experience what it is like when the causes and not just the symptoms of your illness are treated. Our sustainable and holistic concept combines state-of-the-art naturopathic diagnostic and therapeutic methods with conventional medical achievements and uses the best of both areas for you.

How does treatment at the THERA Praxisklinik work?

Every treatment begins with a one-hour intake consultation with one of our doctors. On request, this can also take place as an online consultation to explore and plan treatment options in advance of your arrival.

We then carry out a detailed diagnosis with various laboratory tests and, if necessary, extended diagnostic measures. In a second appointment, the results are discussed and an individual treatment plan is drawn up.

What does treatment at the THERA Praxisklinik cost?

We are a purely private practice. The costs of private medical treatment are calculated according to the scale of fees for doctors (GOÄ). This means the following for you:

If you have private health insurance in Germany, the costs may be covered by your health insurance. However, it may be the case that the services provided are not fully covered by private health insurance and you will have to pay for them yourself.

If you have statutory health insurance (GKV) in Germany, you will have to pay the treatment costs yourself. In this case, the health insurance company will not cover the costs.

If you are privately insured or otherwise insured for therapies abroad, it is best to discuss the possibilities of cost coverage with your insurance provider in advance.

Before the start of each treatment, we will explain the treatment plan to you and inform you of the costs involved. After the treatment, you will receive an invoice which will be paid on the spot.

The cost of an initial medical history and intake consultation is 140 euros/30 minutes.

Do you have any questions or would you like to make an appointment? Then send us an e-mail to kontakt@theraklinik.de or use the contact form. Alternatively, you can call us directly on +4930-79016533.

Working with you as a partner is essential to everything we do. That’s why we always take time with you as our patient.

Main topics of the THERA Praxisklinik



The massive increase in environmental toxins and stress in recent years and decades puts a strain on our organism and is often involved in the development of illness. A particular focus of the THERA practice is the elimination of heavy metals and blood purification.



The intestine is commonly referred to as the seat of health. However, our modern, industrially produced food disturbs the intestinal flora and thus influences the environment and digestive performance. This results in micronutrient deficiencies, among other things, and the metabolism no longer runs smoothly…



Oncological diagnoses represent a major challenge and burden for those affected. We support our patients through personalized diagnostics, the use of the most effective treatment methods from naturopathy and conventional medicine and the additional offer of psychosocial support.



Two female specialists and a specialist in gynecology support our patients with all women’s ailments, taking into account the holistic THERA Praxisklinik treatment concept. Endometriosis, menstrual cycle problems, PCO syndrome, menopausal symptoms, chronic recurrent infections and the desire to have children play a frequent role.



Chronic exhaustion can have a wide variety of causes. We investigate this often so persistent symptom and research in all directions. In particular, we always check and treat mitochondrial function. With IHHT, ozone high-dose therapy and orthomolecular medicine, we have great treatment alternatives at our disposal.



Immune dysregulation has serious consequences for the organism. Sometimes the immune system is weakened and pathogens such as borrelia or Ebstein-Barr virus take over. Sometimes the immune system reacts too strongly and against the body’s own tissue, resulting in autoimmune diseases. A typical example is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.



Prevention is a top priority at the THERA Praxisklinik. With our various check-ups, we offer our patients the opportunity to detect health problems early and in good time – so that illness does not manifest itself in the first place.