We use the well-known iceberg metaphor in order to explain our approach to coaching. The visible part of an iceberg, about 1/7 of its mass, is visible above the surface of the water, while 6/7 remain submerged.
It was not the part of the iceberg that showed above the water surface, which caused the Titanic to sink, but the much larger part hidden below…
So, what lies below the water’s surface? What unconscious conclusions and innermost convictions control your thoughts and actions? We will guide you through questions that can lead you to insights.
Nobody is born suspicious and fearful, or distrustful. Instead, everyone learns from experiences – similar or very dissimilar ones – but always ensuring one’s survival. From these learning experiences we develop our cognitive, emotional and behavioural patterns.
‘Tips’ and ‘well-meaning advice’, ‘motivation’ or ‘positive thinking’ do not change the innermost convictions, but remain superficial, or at best, are of short duration.
Only true self knowledge provides an opportunity for making a fresh choice
By guiding you through focused questions we offer you the opportunity to discover your own answers. Only by realising for yourself, which convictions were formed under what circumstances, the dynamic becomes conscious and enables you to make a new choice – which may turn out to be the same as the original choice, but formed under a different light of consciousness.
To achieve different results in life requires new perspectives and points of view. Nothing stays the same, anyway. So, why not actively take control? What are we waiting for? That ‘something’ will change? Why not decide for yourself where you want to go?
Disease often takes its own place in the dynamics of life. But it is possible to forge conscious access in order to fundamentally change this dynamic, or even to transform it.
The healing process can be supported in significant ways – discover which dynamic determines your life, which convictions lead to which results, and reorient yourself.
I have worked in psychotherapy for many years, and of course, these experiences influence the consultations with my patients. My focal points have been body-centred psychotherapy and primal therapy, both methods that are dealing with the causes of psychological conflicts and that are emotionally and physically very challenging, and above all, very time consuming.
I have been guiding patients with these methods since 1988, and it was time for a change. That is why I presently offer individual coaching sessions for orientation, but not long-term psychotherapy treatments. If required, I will be more than happy to advise you on available therapeutic methods and refer you to the most suitable among my therapist colleagues with whom I closely cooperate.
Dr. med. Ralf Heinrich
Your contact persons
Contact and appointment possible at any time
Do one or more of the above points apply to you and would you like to do something for your health? Are you curious? Please feel free to contact us by phone to make an appointment.
You can reach us according to our opening hours at tel. 030 79016533. We look forward to your call or message.