Classic Homoeopathy
Homoeopathy is a highly specific, remedy-based treatment that requires the greatest care and attention in monitoring the individual pattern of disease and healing process of each patient, in order to determine the most appropriate remedy.
The homeopathic method is primarily based on observation of the changing condition and symptoms of the patient. It does not comprise any metaphysical or speculative elements.
In order to determine the correct remedy, the patient’s symptoms are compared with symptoms that the remedy has been found to produce in drug tests when tested in healthy individuals and under clinical observation, and that have been published in the homeopathic literature.
Prescriptions are based on the observation that a substance, which produces certain symptoms in a healthy individual, can heal similar symptoms in a sick person. This concept was already known in classical Greece and has been systematically observed by the German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, some 200 years ago. He recognised a regularity and formulated the law of similarity. This law has been confirmed in praxis in an overwhelming number of cases.
The patient is given the most suitable remedy, specifically dosed, and generally without any accompanying medications. The simultaneous use of several drugs or of compound drugs runs counter to the rules of classical homeopathy.
The remedies are mostly derived from the mineral, plant and animal realms and are purified in a series of dilutions, trituration or succussion, according to Hahnemann’s method, by which their specific effects are refined and any toxic side effects are precluded.
An essential prerequisite to choosing a homeopathic remedy is the homeopathic anamnesis and examination. As a rule, it comprises the following elements:
- A precise record of current complaints, including specific clinical examinations
- Fathoming the emotional, mental, and social situation of the patient
- Investigating general symptoms, such as diet, drinking and sleeping habits
- A detailed biographical anamnesis, including family history
The information thus obtained makes it possible to choose and administer the potentiated remedy.
Follow-up anamnesis: After an individually prearranged time, changes in the patient’s condition since the remedy was first taken are recorded afresh, and if necessary, further prescriptions are written.
Homeopathic treatment not only aims at making symptoms disappear, but at complete and lasting healing and recovery.