Diagnostics – the discovery of root causes

Unlike classical medicine, which often only focuses on the treatment of symptoms, we take our time to consider each individual in their wholeness. Together, we also look for possible hidden stress factors and perturbations. Symptoms that are not treated at their root causes can become chronic and in time, may even turn malignant.

In our client centred approach we focus on you, the client, and together we determine the diagnostic methods and therapeutic pathway you wish to take with us. Every diagnostic report and test result forms part of a comprehensive anamnesis that will be discussed with you in detail and forms the basis on which we jointly agree on the most appropriate therapy plan.

Physical examination is also of utmost importance to us. Under close examination the human body often reveals the root cause of a particular perturbation.

‘The Gods have placed diagnosis paramount to therapy, but any diagnosis remains but empty rhetoric as long as it does not actually help the client,’ – ancient medical dictum.

Lab Testing is Mandatory

Every treatment is preceded by a comprehensive diagnosis, and laboratory testing forms an essential and even mandatory part of this diagnostic procedure. Lab tests have also long been established in standard medical practice. They can confirm or refute any diagnostic hunches and offer certainty and clarity. Lab tests form an integral pillar of diagnostic methodology – there is simply no way around it.

Advantages of Laboratory Diagnostics

Lab testing is a recognised standard diagnostic method. Within the framework of biological, holistic medicine lab testing is highly differentiated and interpretation is more complex.

Laboratory diagnostics are based on many decades of empirical experiences, which thanks to ever advancing technological developments, moreover are constantly refined and improved.

Laboratory diagnostics are based on recognised international standards. Many naturopathic diagnostic methods are not scientifically recognised, but lab tests certainly are. Lab tests serve to substantiate the state of disease. Additionally, lab tests are also ideally suited for monitoring the course of treatment. The success of a particular treatment can be verified at any point.

Differential lab testing also serves the purpose of identifying preliminary processes and thereby enable therapeutic intervention in order to prevent the onset of disease.

Lab tests are also indispensable for legal reasons, before therapy can proceed.